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Pet Odor Removal

He Did It!

He did it.

Pet odor can be one the most difficult odors to remove from your carpet.  Pet urine is a complex odor that requires a complex process to remove.  Pet urine is a unique liquid, as it starts as in a acid state and as it dries turns alkaline in your carpet.  If the urine is cleaned up while it is still fresh, it isn’t that difficult to clean out of your carpet.  Once it has had a chance to dry, its alkaline state can actually permanently damage the fibers (think bleach) of a carpet by reaching a p.h. of 10-12.  Also, bacteria begin to grow as soon as the urine is deposited, giving off an ammonia like smell.  The urine also leaves behind salts(salts absorb water), which is why the odor seems to come back when humidity increases.  Guarantee System Carpet Cleaning & Dye Co.’s certified technicians can expertly remove all the different components of urine.  Our multi-step process removes the salts, corrects the p.h. and destroys the organic components left behind.  Although we will be able to help most pet odors, there are cases were the pet damage is too severe.  Often complete removal can not be reached without removing the carpet pad, replacing tack strips, sealing the sub flooring, etc…  In these cases our expect technicians will advise you on your best options and work within your budget to get the best possible results.

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